Gelato Ice Cream ( Italian Ice Cream)
"Gelato is Italian ice cream. Our Gelato is prepared from all natural fresh ingredients, has a smooth texture and is amazingly low in fat. Our Gelato consists of two main types: Fruit flavors and Cream flavors.
Compared to traditional ice cream, Gelato has less air and is therefore more concentrated than ice cream. You will enjoy a much more intense flavor! It also contains fewer calories and less than half the fat of traditional ice cream. For those of you who have tasted our authentic Italian Gelato, you will recognize it is Heaven on a spoon!"
Went to eat gelato ice-cream with yoon and Foong Meng after Flying Chilies

(peppermint favor with chocolate chips)
My favourite
me and yoon ....

i like pistachio ice cream~~
I like to look at those colourful gelato~~
i prefer strawberries ~ ^_^
Nice To meet ya too =)
Link ya already ~
Shell & ling239 : ohh...will try try the favor you prefer next time =)
mimid3vils: me too eh...
Jeromefo: You know kai san too???Thanks for link me ya...
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