Starbuck - Coffee Jelly Frapuccino

(photo by Kanko)

Starbuck *new* frapuccino

Blended Coffee + Chewy Jelly

Well, i am not a coffee lover, so don't know how to comment in coffee....

Anyway, not very strong coffee taste compare with the mocha (cause i always drink mocha frapuccino hehe..)

add in the jelly in the coffee...just like drinking soya been with cincau...

The jelly added in don't have taste and colouring so wont affect the taste of the original coffee and colour...

worth for try the new experience in drinking coffee =)


choi yen said...

I cannot drink coffee, will make me insomnia :(

ling239 said...

i tot tat is coffee jelly... so the jelly shd be coffee flavoured... no ? @_@

JeromeFo 令狐冲 said...

I saw that b4 i came to UK...
Haven't try it before ><